Wine, cheeses, cold cuts, oil, pasta, and all the very best of the Italian wine and food industry in a single consortium.

Unifood&wine groups together only top quality food and wine companies certified by the major international organisations within the food sector – with European food quality labels such as Dop, Igo, Stg, the European Union’s organic food and drink label, Slow Food and Slow wine.

All the companies within the consortium are able to guarantee the very high standard of their authentic Italian specialities: each product is processed in a meticulous, traditional way, using only top quality ingredients. Moreover, many of our products are free from gluten, preservatives and colourants and so are suitable for people with allergies and food intolerances.

Buyers can meet the best producers directly and our consultants are able to assist even the most demanding customers in finding what they need at the best prices.

Unifood&wine promotes its member companies’ products abroad by organising stands at exhibitions, food and wine tasting events, workshops and promoting visits from foreign operators. In 2017/2018, the consortium will be especially active in Poland, an emerging and fast growing market.